Confinement isn't Just About Prisons

I’ve been thinking a lot about confinement again.

I am working on an article that is due to come out this winter on gender, medicalization, and incarceration. Watch this space ❤️

Let's define some concepts that are helpful in understanding criminalization of mental illness.⠀
[Image description: Cover is on a beige background, image of eucalyptus plant in a mason jar with water in front of a white curtain. Text around image is in blue and reads: "Confinement isn't just prisons! Many of those who are confined are confined outside of prisons" The following slides are on beige backgrounds with text in blue which read:⠀
Slide 2: Institutionalization (e.g., in hospitals) is also confinement. While not analogous to prison, it is interconnected to prison.⠀
Slide 3: Think of confinement as: “Any place, facility, or program where people do not have control over their lives” by Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE)⠀
End of description]⠀

Confinement isn’t just prisons! Many of those who are confined are confined outside of prisons.

Kendra J. McLaughlin