Living under the constant threat of incarceration and confinement

[Image description: Beige background, blue and orange bold text reads: "There is always the shadow of the adverse consequences if one does not conform or comply— [...]the institution yet to come. The specter of incarceration is inherent, as a promise or threat, in mechanisms of liberal inclusion. Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe, Decarcerating Disability (pp. 80-81)". End of description.]

In this paragraph, Ben-Moshe is describing the need to integrate into, and be included in, capitalist societies. As well as, how this requirement can only be met by conforming to being a "liberal civilized subject under white settler middle-class hetero-patriarchal norms". ⠀

Lastly, Ben-Moshe explains that the risk and cost of not integrating ("correctly") is confinement and segregation. The paragraph in the image succinctly describes this constant threat as "the institution yet to come" -- the threat is imminent (or likely to occur at any time).⠀

As I (re)read Decarcerating Disability, I am highlighting every word I find interesting and thought-provoking in this book; which is just about everything 😂⠀

Leave a comment and recommend a book on the subjects of disability and/or incarceration that you find very interesting (I'm always adding to my reading list!) ⠀

Kendra J. McLaughlin